Expense Report

After an expense is created, it must be submitted through a report.

An expense can be added to a new report or an existing one.

To Create a New Report:

  • Start from the EXP Homepage and click on ‘Expense
  • From here, scroll down to the ‘My Expenses‘ section and select the entry of the expense you wish to add to a New Report.
    • Then, select ‘Add to report
  • Select the ‘+ New Expense Report‘ icon
  • Fill out the new expense report name and new expense report description fields and click ‘Done
  • The new expense report that was just created will be moved to the Expense Reports tab
  • Click ‘Details‘ to show the full expense report information entered
  • You can Remove/Edit/Delete/View/Submit the entry on the ‘Details’ page, as it is still a draft

To Add an Expense to an Existing Report:

  • Start from the EXP Homepage and click on ‘Expense
  • From here, scroll down to the ‘My Expenses‘ section and select the entry of the expense you wish to add to a New Report
    • Then, select ‘Add to report

Existing reports will appear on the dropdown menu

  • Select the report name to add the expense to that report and click ‘Done
  • You will receive a pop-up message at the bottom of the screen saying, “Successfully added expense to report!
  • All reports can be found under the ‘Expense Reports‘ section
  • To view all expense submissions under each report, click ‘Details